COVID-19 Safety
October 27, 2021
Dear Patients,
Due to the decline in community cases, we are changing our office protocols on requiring that mask be worn by all while inside the office. Masks are now optional in the office. We will continue to monitor community levels of infection and adjust as needed.

August 9, 2021
Dear Patients,
It has now been decided that we will require masks for all patients and staff for the safety of all with the rising number of COVID cases. Masks are required to enter the waiting room. Please do not enter if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms including cough, fever, or shortness of breath. We believe that these protocols are the best way to keep both patients and staff safe. We hope that by following these steps we as a society will get to a point as quickly as possible where masks and social distancing will no longer be necessary. If you choose to not wear a mask, we are happy to offer you the option to discuss your dermatologic needs via a telemedicine appointment. Thank you for your cooperation!

May 24, 2021
Dear Patients,
Gov. Abbott issued an Executive Order for the state of Texas on May 18, 2021. Consistent with the new guidelines from the CDC and Gov. Abbott, those who are fully vaccinated may resume activities without wearing a mask or socially distancing. Those who have not been fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to continue wearing masks, but we may no longer mandate this. Masks are still recommended for nonvaccinated patients and guests, but they will no longer be mandatory.

March 5, 2021
Dear Patients,
While the state mask mandate has been lifted, we at TWDA are continuing to follow the CDC guidelines and the recommendations of the State of Texas in requiring all of our patients and staff to wear masks at all times while in our medical office. We believe that these protocols are the best way to keep both patients and staff safe. We hope that by following these steps we as a society will get to a point as quickly as possible where masks and social distancing will no longer be necessary. If you choose to not wear a mask, we are happy to offer you the option to discuss your dermatologic needs via a telemedicine appointment. Thank you for your cooperation!

July 6, 2020
The Woodlands Dermatology Associates welcomes you to your upcoming visit in the office! We would like to update you with the measures we have taken to ensure a safe experience in the office and let you know what to expect.
- Our staff are screened daily before entering the workplace for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. They are wearing masks and practicing standard hand washing techniques. Our chairs in the waiting room are spaced to allow for social distancing.
- Our exam tables, door handles, chairs, drawer pulls and countertops are wiped down with germicidal wipes between each patient. For this reason, our appointments have been lengthened in time and reduced in number to allow for these increased safety measures and to adhere to social distancing recommendations.
- Prior to entering the waiting room, our staff will screen you with a series of questions designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the office. Your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer. If you would feel more comfortable waiting in your car after being screened, we can send you a text through our Klara assistant when your room is ready.
- We ask that you wear a mask to your appointment and we ask that only the patient comes to the appointment unless the patient is a minor or needs assistance due to cognitive (mental) impairment or to prevent falls. No additional guests will be allowed. If on the day of your appointment you have a cough, feel short of breath, have a fever, or otherwise feel unwell, please do not come to the office. We will be happy to reschedule you.

April 27, 2020
The Woodlands Dermatology Associates welcomes you to your upcoming visit in the office! We would like to update you with the measures we have taken to ensure a safe experience in the office and let you know what to expect.
- Our staff are screened daily before entering the workplace for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. They are wearing masks and practicing standard hand washing techniques. Our chairs in the waiting room are spaced to allow for social distancing.
- Our exam tables, door handles, chairs, drawer pulls and countertops are wiped down with germicidal wipes between each patient. For this reason, our appointments have been lengthened in time and reduced in number to allow for these increased safety measures and to adhere to social distancing recommendations.
- Prior to entering the waiting room, our staff will screen you with a series of questions designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the office. Your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer. If you would feel more comfortable waiting in your car after being screened, we can send you a text through our Klara assistant when your room is ready.
- We ask that you wear a mask to your appointment and we ask that only the patient comes to the appointment unless the patient is a minor or needs assistance due to cognitive (mental) impairment or to prevent falls. No additional guests will be allowed. If on the day of your appointment you have a cough, feel short of breath, have a fever, or otherwise feel unwell, please do not come to the office. We will be happy to reschedule you.
- If you were scheduled to be seen in our office in the past weeks but your appointment was cancelled due to the Texas Medical Board mandates, we are available to see you on a limited basis at our reduced volume. Specifically we would like to see you if you have a painful, bleeding, growing lesion or have a skin cancer history AND a specific lesion of concern to you. If you have a skin cancer history but have performed a self skin exam and have not seen a changing lesion, we feel that you can continue to postpone your full skin exam until some more time has passed and the COVID-19 incidence has reduced dramatically. Please call our office at 281-363-5050 or text us at 281-533-6824. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time in our effort to make our environment safe for you, your loved ones, and our staff.

April 15, 2020
Due to state mandates during the COVID-19 crisis, your appointment scheduled in April has been cancelled. We encourage you to reschedule now using our Klara assistant on our website at or you may download the KLARA app on your phone. All you need is a mobile phone number.
If you prefer, you may call us at 281-363-5050 and leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can. We apologize as our wait times on hold have been longer than usual at this time.
Thank you.